Friday, August 7, 2009

Oh How Sweet is This Blog Award?!

Do you know why I love my blog? Those of us that blog regularly become very close - it's a sisterhood of sorts. And wow, is it ever a huge compliment to receive a Blog Award! This one came to me today from Dawn. The Idyllhours blog award is the BFF award - Blogger Favorite Friend. Isn't this the nicest thing? Thank you so much, Dawn!!

The rules of this award are:
  • accept the award by commenting on the blog of the person that gave it to you
  • pass it on to five others
  • reveal five things you enjoy doing
So here goes! I am sending the Idyllhours BFF award to Lucia, Kim, Tina, Tammy, and Laurel.

5 Thing I Enjoy Doing:
  • I love dates with my husband - it doesn't matter what we do.
  • I enjoy chocolate - not cookies, cake, etc. Just plain dark chocolate, and the darker the better.
  • I like good sitcoms (or the Ellen show in the morning) that make me laugh. Oh there is nothing better than laughter!
  • I LOVE coffee. There is nothing better than a good fresh ground cup of fresh-brewed coffee.
  • I truly enjoy creating. Whether I've made a card, a gift, or a page, there is nothing better than the completed project and sharing it with others.


Laurel said...

Aw, thanks so much (((hugs)))!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Thank you my dear friend! I adore this preciuos blogging circle of ours.
Kim xXx

Tina Sutton- Missgingerdots said...

Thank you so much! Love my award! You are the best. Big hugs!

Scrappin With Tammy said...


Thank you so much for the blog award. You have no idea how much it means to me! I sure missed you at Leadership, but totally understand your decision. It is what you had to do to take care of you at this time. Keep your wonderful art coming, I love it!


Julie Marie said...

Hi Brenda, I am having so much fun seeing where my little award is ending up... I originally made it as a thank you for sweet Karyn at French Charming for welcoming me to the blogging world... I had no idea she would be passing it on, but I am so honored she did and I get to meet all of you wonderful ladies... thank you! Julie Marie

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