Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This, That, and Some Book Recommendations

This is going to be my last post today - whew! Be sure to scroll down because I've added some artwork in a few different posts earlier today!

I think I'll start with a couple of books that I want to share with you. I know that it's hard to stretch the grocery dollars these days. And believe me, there are much better things to spend money on than groceries! (Like scrapbooking supplies!!) Anyway, Miserly Meals by Jonni McCoy is a recipe book I've had on my shelf for years. The principles are tried and true and remain the same as the day I purchased it. Jonni teaches how to make things stretch. She'll give you a Bisquick mix that can be used for a number of things. How about those fancy creamers in flavors? She has a recipe for those. Have you ever wanted to make your own taco seasoning (gosh, that was more than a dollar last time I bought it!)? She has done the work for us for meals, breads, side dishes, sauces, dressings, desserts. I love it - and it is more handy than ever these days. I purposefully copied the picture from Amazon, so that you can see that you can go there and click through the book.
The other book I want to mention is John Maxwell's Attitude 101. You know, life just throws us curve balls sometimes. Even though this book was written for leadership, consider it leadership for your life. You are your team. One of my favorite quotes from the book is this:

"When confronted with a difficult situation, a person with an outstanding attitude makes the best of it while he gets the worst of it."

Wow. Those words have meant a great deal to me. Embracing adversity and waiting to see what window God opens after the rain stops falling. Joy always comes, dear friends.

Jerry and I off tomorrow to the Stroll for Epilepsy. We are taking Chanel and meeting one of my sisters and three of her children. We thought the small children would like Chanel, so I think Chanel will enjoy playing the prancing pooch. If you think of it, pray for this cause. We are excited to take part and raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation. I am so thankful for everything they do for me! For those that have generously contributed to this walk, I so appreciate you! You'll be getting a pretty card in the mail from me soon!

Many of you having been posting or e-mailing to ask about Shane. He is doing great and loves it in the city. He's in such a busy area that he's looking at a second job in his first passion - serving. he told me that he knows he can't make a career of it, but he sure loves waiting tables. He's really good at it, too. Fast, but so polite and smiley! This week he had a mishap. Unfortunately he had his keys stolen, so Jerry is off to the dealer with him today to get a new car key. It takes a tow and a new computerized chip - oh my! He has so many rewards cards on his keys. I am quite certain the thief wanted the rewards, not the keys. Other than that, he calls me almost every day, and it's certainly good to hear his voice. Thank you for your prayers for him!

Off to be a domestic engineer for the rest of the day - LOL! That laundry doesn't wash itself while I'm crafting!!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Thanks for sharing the suggested titles with us. I just know that I'd really enjoy both!
I'm glad that Shane is doing well, sorry to hear about his keys, bummer...
Hope you have great weather tomorrow for your walk.
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great book recommendations. I'm s proud of your wonderful attitude. You are an example to me. I hope your Epilepsy walk is perfect!

Scrappin With Tammy said...


Thank you for sharing that quote from Attitude 101. It is very fitting and I truly believe it. We are trying really hard to stay positive. We know that God has a different plan in mind that will some day make sense to us. Until then, we cannot sit and feel sorry for ourselves or it will destroy us.

You are an inspiration and know that you always will be. Keep the great artwork coming our way (as you can, of course) and stay positive, I believe it is part of the 'answer'.


New Book, New Look!

Sometimes it just that time to make a change.  I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years!  Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...