Friday, October 23, 2009

The Two Gretels

I was going through my Bible Study this morning, and I came across this poem. It reminded me that once we set out on a path, we can never quite go back to the way we were...

The Two Gretels
by Robin Morgan
The two Gretels were exploring the forest.
Hansel was home, sending up flares.
Sometimes one Gretel got afraid.
She said to the other Gretel,“I think I’m afraid.”
“Of course we are,” Gretel replied.
Sometimes the other Gretel whispered, with a shiver,“You think we should turn back?”
To which her sister Gretel answered,“We can’t.
We forgot the breadcrumbs.”

So, they went forward because
they simply couldn’t imagine the way back.


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

So very true my sisiter! I am on that path right as we speak. Thank you for sharing this with me. Hugs...
Kim xXx

Dawnll said...

How nice of you to share this poem...I also am on the path and trusting it is the right path.Trust is a big feeling.

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