Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Zoo Baby

**Don't forget about my Surprise Blog Candy!! If you don't know what I am talking about, read about it here!**

What I love about scrapbooking is that I can choose pictures from any time in our lives and just scrap.  I am not one to sit down and power scrapbook.  That is just not my style (and most likely the reason Shane's scrapbooks weren't finished when he graduated 3 years ago).  I like to take my time over a layout and think back on what I am scrapping.  It might take me several hours just to finish a one-page layout.  What about you?  What kind of scrapper are you?

Today I grabbed three pictures of Shane from a zoo visit when he was just 2 years old.  What a cute little blonde boy!

Items used:  Sassafrass Lass paper and embellishments, Cosmo Cricket alpha

I also want to remind you that it's only two days away from the very first sketch challenge at Sketches in Thyme! All of the Sketchy Mavens have been working so hard to bring you fresh, new ideas for you to view.  There will be a fun sketch and some surprises for you on Thursday.  If you haven't been there yet, be sure to check out the blog and become a follower.  You will be very glad that you did!


Lillian Child said...

I am SO loving those fairy stamps - oh my - keeping my fingers crossed!

Dawnll said...

We are so alike really! I am also looking through pictures and thinking about the time and situation. I also am very emotional and find it hard to complete some pages. It isn't unusual for me to have several pages in transition because i can't finish just yet.
Love the fun papers you used for your cutie Shane!

Jamie Harder said...

Cute page!!!

Laurel said...

Oh this is such a great page so cheery and fun!

Unknown said...

LOVE the layout, LOVE the fun, happy paper!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I love it! I agree with everyone else, so bright and cheery...adorable little photos! Anohter fabby layout by you, sweet friend!
Kim xXx

Linda said...

Love the colors in this layout!

Irena said...

Wonderful layout, Very cute papers, lovely colors :)
Have a wonderful day!

Marsha said...

So cute. Love the bright paper.

Corinna said...

This is beautiful. I love the colors and every little thing about it!


jengd said...

I love all of the bright colors on this page! Cute!

Rufus said...

What a sweet little towhead! I've tried scrapbooking both ways, whatever appeals at the moment and linear timeframe. I found I work better the first way. I have to be in the mood to do a certain set of pictures.

New Book, New Look!

Sometimes it just that time to make a change.  I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years!  Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...