Saturday, February 19, 2011


Just a short post tonight. I wanted to share this month's sketch challenge at Little Yellow Bicycle.  This sketch was created by Liz Qualman:

Liz always creates such nice sketches that are fun to work with.  Here's what I came up with:

I created this layout using the Twig collection.  That chipboard twig is so cute!  It actually came with five circles hanging off of it, but I took it apart a bit in order for the words to match the layout.  This is one of our favorite places to walk.  It's so gorgeous and lush.  Considering we are expecting 8-12 inches of snow tomorrow (UGH), it's nice to have these lovely green pictures to scrap!


Marg Van Patten said...

OMGosh! I was at Archiver's yesterday and TOTALLY fell in love with this line! I saw the papers and went over the edge when I saw feathers!!! I can't wait to use the stuff because of course .... I HAD to buy! (the feathers made me do it). Love your layout and the inspiration. I sooo want to go the "my room" right now but I have to get on the treadmill instead ... boo-hooooo

StephC said...

Gorgeous layout! Beautiful pictures!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous...the layout and your walking path!

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