Friday, June 26, 2009

Today I am Grateful...

Every morning when I wake up, I list 3 things I am grateful for. I having been doing this for so many years that it's automatic response when I wake. This may sound funny, but somedays I am just thankful that there is cold water to splash my face (think of all the countries that need water wells...), coffee to wake me up, and pets to lick my face.

And then there is today. I woke up with verse from Jeremiah in my head, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We don't always know what the future holds for us, but this Scripture is a promise we can lean on. Just when we think things are going well, God may change our course and take us in a completely different direction. It's his way of molding us and shaping us into His final image. For those of us that have natural leading abilities, being a follower isn't always an easy thing. However, that's just what God asks us to do.

I have one more week to take orders as an active Close To My Heart consultant. I don't know what direction I will go from there because these days, I am following. I'm listening to my body when I need rest, and hopefully as I continue to make much needed medical changes, I will see a future where I am well again. I am believing that by faith.

But back to that grateful part. There are so many things I am grateful for so I thought I would just list them here:
  • My dear, sweet husband who would spin the world for me if I wanted it done. He is an amazing individual who supports our famly, drives me everywhere, has supported me for almost 19 years in everything I've done, and I love him down to the tips of my toes.
  • My hard-working, beautiful son who stands tall in the strength of his individuality. He believes in himself, is kind and caring, and he loves me ferociously (just the way a boy should love his mom).
  • I have four beautiful sisters each of them with their own unique qualities. I need each one of them in my life, and when one of them is missing for one reason or another, there's a part of me missing, too. I value each of them for the accomplished women they are.
  • My mother and mother-in-law are wonderful people. How blessed am I to have them in my life? My mother taught me good financial ethics as I was growing up, and I am greatful for that. I know now how to make a dollar stretch. My mother-in-law answers all my "growing older" questions and she scrapbooks with me. I love that! We can pretty much talk about anything!
  • I'm greateful for those pets that lick me in the face every morning. Their unconditional love on a bad day is just what you need some days.
  • I am grateful we have a roof over our heads. I know that's not easy for a lot of people these days. I am glad that God provides for our house payment every month.
  • I am so grateful that I have a craft room, and I can play during the day. I feel very blessed to be able to do this. More than that, during this time when I am unable to drive, I am hugely grateful God has given me the ability to "be still" and not be bored in my home when I am here.

I could gone on and on, but I will end then for now. But now I challenge you. What are you grateful for today? Always remember, even if you don't see what's going on in your life, God is painting vast divine strokes on the portrait of your life. Your brilliance is more than you know!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Do you have an extra tissue I can borrow? We are so very blessed everyday. I have been so blessed to chat with wonderful fellow scrappers like you, I am so very thankful for blog buddies!
Love the new blog background.
Kim xXx

Brenda said...

Kim, you are an amazing person - and artist. I am so thankful we have been brought together through blogging. My backgrounds come from a Finnish artist who lives in LA now. Isn't she incredible? I love the uniqueness of her work!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for your post today! THANK YOU For sharing your gratitude and helping me stop to remember all of my blessings too. You are a gem.

Brenda said...

Karen, YOU are the jewel in MY life. I appreciate all that you have taught me and all you continue to share. Your friendship is priceless!

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