Thursday, July 9, 2009

Little Bit of Disappointment, So Glad I'm Headed to Vacation

I received a little bit of disappointing news from my doctor's office this morning. If you've been following me, you know that I have been spending this time in my life making some medicine changes and praying for wellness from these persistent "electrical storms" in my brain. I was blessed to start a brand new medication that was just approved by the FDA. As I've gone down on one of my other medicines, I've noticed that I don't need to sleep nearly as much, my dreams are coming back - and in color, and I've started to think a bit more clearly. Our goal was for me to be completely off the old medicine, and on the new. However, I found out this morning that I just am not going to be totally off that other medicine. The new medicine is just not totally helping me. I am very sad about this and so disappointed. That leaves me with 5 medications and an implant to try to control this pesky condition.
Now I don't want you to get me wrong. I am so wildly blessed in my life. I consider my life rich with wonderful family and friends. An adoring husband and fabulous son. I get to play with my pets, craft every day, and cook for my family at night. God has looked down on me and given me the best of all things at this time in my life.
However (oh there's that word), I get a little tired and nauseated from all the medicines, this has altered my life, and I have been forced to make so many changes. The biggest of all not being able to drive!
Still and all, I will do nothing but count my blessings. God is so faithful and true.

So Jerry and I are leaving on Saturday morning to go on vacation for a week. What perfect timing! The picture at the top is a view of Gull Lake at the Quarterdeck Resort. I am so looking forward to listening to the waves lap on the shore, being out in the boat while the sun shines (and catching more fish than my husband - SHHH!), and hearing the loons in the morning.
We are leaving Shane in control of the house and my sweet cat, and Chanel is going on vacation to Stone Mountain Lodge for pets. I think Shane is quite happy about this week and having the house to himself.

I am not certain if I will have wireless up there, so you probably won't see me post for a week or so. I'm bringing some supplies up there for the quiet times, so I will be creating while I'm gone. I'll have much to post when I get back. The day after we come back, I'll be going to Archiver's for a crop with my MIL. Life is just so much fun!

Have a good week, everyone! And if you think of it, I covet your prayers for my medical issues. Enjoy the summer sun, and treat yourself well!


Everlasting Heart said...

Brenda you are wonderful woman and remember that God does not put you in a position in which you cannot handle. Keep the faith you just might never know!

Unknown said...


I'm so sorry that things didn't work out as well as you thought on the new meds, but I'm so glad your vacation came at just the right time. Have fun, relax, and keep counting your blessings. I think that might be the best medicine there is when things get tough, and you are so good at counting them!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Brenda, you will be in my prayers. I do agree with your other comments, our loving and gracious God will not bring you to it without bringing you through it.
You rest and enjoy that gorgeous lake you will be visiting! I have a feeling your darling hubby is going to pamper you all week long!
Kim xXx

Bastelfrosch's Kreativseite said...

Dear Brenda,
up to now I knew a little about you and, unfortunately, I am able only quite badly in English. But my "PROMT" - translation programme leaves alone me a small insight into your life.
I pick out that you are a religious person. Therefore, I would like to award you furthermore courage that you do not lose the faith in God. He can also do even today miracle, as well as he has done it earlier. The prayer is so important, we have experienced already so great things with our father in heaven.
Our daughter was born schwerstbehindert and was cured by a right miracle. Today she is 20 years old and we are very grateful that she may be healthy.
I hope for you that the drugs may help yourself and be you a glad person.
I wish You a wonderful vacation, remains protected!!!
Lots of love from Germany sends

Michelle H. said...

Brenda, I can only imagine the frustration you are going through with this. But you continue to inspire--your strength, courage, and grace are amazing.

Have a great time on vacation and be sure to relax a bit, too!

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