Sunday, July 26, 2009

Prayer-filled Mother Today

Absolutely nothing is wrong. If you are mother that has given your child wings to grow beyond your house, you know what my title means. When children are in our house, we can see them, know where they are, see their expressions, and love them at a close range.

I didn't think it would be hard for me when Shane left our home. He is so independent, works so many hours, and is home so seldom that I thought I have been preparing myself. As I sit here typing in tears, I know that I haven't prepared myself at all. They are tears that are a mixture of joy, pride, and aching - so maybe I'm getting there!

Well, what did set me off in these tears? Last night Shane came home after working a 12-hour shift. He made some homemade popcorn (not that microwave stuff), and plopped down on the couch next to me. He told me what a good day he had, and then headed off to bed. This morning I woke up to the popcorn popper in the sink, grease on the stove and floor, and bowls on the cupboard and in the sink. You'd think I'd be angry - LOL! Instead I washed those dishes and the floor with a tears. That was the last Saturday he'll live in our home. Oh, I know there's some people that would say he may be home. But I am wise enough to know that when you set some butterflies free, they find the wings of eagles and soar.

How grateful I am to know that I am not releasing this child into the world! Long ago, I learned that I have been gifted with Shane. He truly belongs to the Father. It was my job to raise him in faith and to pray for him without ceasing. And so I will continue to do knowing that he rest in the hands of the Almighty. Those are good solid hands, and what better comfort is there than that?

Oh, I really am not a blubbering fool of a mother! I had difficulty when Shane graduated, too. I don't hardly remember those months before his graduation. I still know that there are other times I will be crying and releasing him even more - marriage, children. I want him to live the fullest in what God intends him to be, and never limit him.

And so I will continue to be, without ceasing, a prayer-filled mother.


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Well, I am typing in tears also! I think mine is a mixture of emotions too. My Honeybee and I have have tried for 11 years to have a baby and without avail, God intends us to be Uncle B and NeeNee. I too have very blessed life and praise God everyday for it. My heart aches for the feelings you are having at this time. I know you have prepared him for this world and it is his to take by the tail and he will. You must be so proud of him. I'll pray that this transition gets easier for you all three, I'm sure Daddy is already missing him too!
Kim xXx

Bastelfrosch's Kreativseite said...

Thank you Brenda, for your frank words.
Yes, it stands already in the Bible, all thing lasts his time, the laughter, the wines... etc.
Now also we know that there must be the resignation. The children go from the house, our daughters have already done it, our son still lives for a while here, he still goes to school.
But as Christians we may pray for them, many people in the world do not know this. And we know, God holds his hands about them, he will be close to them on her ways, all the same where they are. Nevertheless, this is a good consolation for us as Christians. We may throw all our worries on our father in heaven, this is wonderful.
I wish you and your family a protected week!!!

Unknown said...

Love ya, Brenda. After sending my first two out and my next one only about 9 months away from leaving I can totally relate with your feelings. Just be glad you have taught him well and can be proud of the man he is! In the meantime, tears just mean you are a mommy full of love. There's nothing wrong with that!

Teresa K. said...

What a lovely and powerful post. As an empty nester, I can't tell you how happy I am to tidy up after their snacks and do their laundry when they come home from college. Prayers and best wishes to you - it can be a challenge to let our role as mothers morph as times change. However, good things (different, but good) lie ahead!

Rachel Sauvola said...

What a powerful post to come across today! Abby just turned three yesterday and left to go back to Michigan with Grandma and Grandpa for the first time by herself. I am sure they'll have a fun week...but I miss the sassy little peanut already and it's been...eight whole hours! hahaha Good thing I have Leadership in California later this week to keep me busy! Best wishes, Brenda! You've given Shane the tools he needs to be a very successful person in this world. There's no doubt he'll spread his wings and fly. Here's to more dirty dishes in the future! :) There will surely be more. Take care! Sending hugs!

Kristina said...

Oh my Brenda this brought tears to my eye's too! And my heart started to ache for you and for the thought of this happening to me someday..and for the thought that my parents must have had when I left. It is a huge acclomplishment that Shane has grown into the independant man he is to be able to take this big step and you should feel very proud for being a supportive parent and giving him the guidance to spread his wings! Congrats to Shane :)

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