Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just a Story Today...

As I've been avidly scrapbooking lately, I naturally come across some memorabilia I haven't scrapped or some interesting photos. Perhaps that is why I scrap. Shane will share my legacy books with his family and be able to share.

Just a few days ago, I came across his First Communion certificate. Let me tell you the story. We were attending a sunrise Easter service at our church. Shane was just 8 years old, and he watched the beautiful Communion service. As the bread and wine were passed, he looked up at me and said, "If we were all welcome at God's table, why can't I share?" I will never forget that because I knew then that Jesus had captivated his heart. In short order the assistant pastor, started special Communion classes for him, and he took his First Communion three years early. What a blessed day! He had great influence on his Grandpa for this act of faith, and in the next spring, Grandpa was baptized. (That's a story for another time...)

Of all things, I have never questioned Shane's faith and love for our Saviour.

Today, the ELCA released their ruling on a very important subject in the church. If you'd like to read more, you can go to the ELCA website. But let me tell what this answered prayer means for our family.

This young man will someday be able to marry the person of his choice in the congregation he grew up in where he learned to love our God. When he has children some day, he will be able to bring them to the church and have them baptized. As a mother I am overjoyed and I thank God for the ELCA church showing God's grace and continuing in compassion. The truth is that God is completely in love with every one of us. And what beautiful sons and daughters of the King we are!

May you be blessed today...


Bastelfrosch's Kreativseite said...

Oh how nice it is if God touches human hearts.
I am also grateful about my children if they are touched by God. Unfortunately, we are in a not so living municipality here in the place. But we visit many other municipalities where it is properly good for us.
By the way, we look every evening on a sermon of Joyce Meyer on television. This is good for us very much.

Feel simply embraced! God is with you!
In love

Dawnll said...

Everytime I stop to visit I am just amazed at your words and artwork.What a beautiful person you are and so glad I found your site and inspiration my dear.I can tell you have raised a wonderful son that will be more then blessed through his life.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Will you please pass a tissue....Brenda I have never met you, but you are my sister in Christ. I love you and your family and pray for you each and every day! Your message here is so important for ALL Christians. You continute to touch my life with your words daily. Your darling Shane will lead the life and have the family he choses and it will be wonderful! He's had such a strong role model...
Kim xXx
still waiting on the tissue....

New Book, New Look!

Sometimes it just that time to make a change.  I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years!  Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...