Friday, September 4, 2009

SO Excited for Saturday's Scrapping Day!

I have spent the day getting ready for tomorrow crop day at my house. SO MUCH FUN! I made everyone cute daisy boxes, adn I filled them with chocolate, caramel, and scrapping items. I can't wait to give them to them!

I have 4 people coming tomorrow. My sister Linda, my mother-in-law Sharon, and to of my nieces Jessica and Kristina. it has been so long since I've been able to scrap with them! Last October was the last time, and that's just TOO long! I've been to a couple afternoon crops with my mother-in-law, but nothing else. As you can see from the picture above, I plan on getting a lot of work done!
Click that picture below, and you'll see two pink items in the basket of sponges. One is a "Girl's Hall Pass." That is absolutely necessary at my house. Can't go if you don't take the pass! Next is a giant hand clapper - that even flashes! You must clap when you finish a page, and then you have to show it and explain it. Because then we get to clap for the creator!!

I didn't want people to waste time trottin into my craft room, so all my stamps, punches, and machines are out for everyone to use.

Now the last picture is of my kitchen while I was preparing food. I don't want to waste any time in the kitchen, so I do make ahead meals for the day. Egg Bake for brunch ( made with egg beaters for my sister) along with muffins (filled with carrots, raisins, coconut, and pecans) and chocolate chip banana bread. Then a 10-layer crockpot casserole with Tastefully Simple beer bread for afternoon lunch. The most important ingredient sitting on my counter is that bottle of diet Mountain Dew. It's what has kept me running since 7:00 am this morning!!

Surely will be a fun day of gabbing and laughing!! I will share pictures sometime this weekend!!


Dawnll said...

It is really starting to scare me how similiar we are, diet dew yes, golden yellow kitchen yes, country decor yes, black cat yes, son Shane yes, ctmh is to funny. I would love to come and scrap with you...can I get your muffin recipe with carrots and everything else? I love to cook also .Hope you have a great time sweetie.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Aw, I love the little daisy box, how sweet and thoughtful of you. I know how excited you are for tomorrow and I can't wait to see some Brenda styl GORGEOUS work come out of that day. You girls enjoy and it sounds like a peek into scrapbook Heaven!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

OH, Brenda. What a fun day you have planned and what a gracious hostess you are. THANK YOU for my birthday card. Did you notice I featured it on my blog? You are a gem!

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