Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Adam Lambert and 2012

**In order to hear these clips, scroll down to the bottom of my blog and pause the music. That way you'll be able to hear just the clips. If you are looking for artwork, scroll down one more for my Twitterpated layout!**

Oh my goodness! We are so glad in our house that Adam Lambert is doing SO well after American Idol. Not only will his CD be out next month, but he recorded a huge song (with his huge voice) for the upcoming movie "2012." Check it out HERE and see what you think!

We watched trailers for this movie before we even knew of the song. John Cusack is one of my favorite actors, and this movie looks amazing. Look at the preview HERE.

That's it - just sharing my love of music and movies with you!

1 comment:

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Wowie, he is great isn't he? I adore him too!
Kim xXx

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