Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh No! No Crafting for Me!

Well, I had a visit with my doctor today. There were a couple of things I needed to get looked at, and the news was not what I hoped for - because it means no crafting for a while!

I have a partially damaged radial nerve in my right hand. I specifically asked if I have carpel tunnel, but she said no - that is a different nerve. Nonetheless, I am now sporting a love outdoor denim and black colored brace. It's big enough to support my whole forearm and most of my hand. Let me tell you,typing is not the easiest! Also never take your dominant hand for granted! You just never know what you use it for until you can't!

I was also having two interesting lesions looked at. It seems as the one on my foot is a spider bite. Gracious! The second one is a bit more serious. I have a pre-cancerous "lump" on my temple. I have to go to the dermatologist to have it biopsied. It is most likely benign, but that 10% chance makes me glad I had it checked. It grew out of thin air in a matter of 10 days. It takes an army of men to get me to the family doctor, so I was glad that this time I didn't resist!

Well, no more typing for me. I will have to craft vicariously through all of you for a few weeks. I cna't wait to see what you all come with during this fall season!


Dawnll said...

I am sending you lots of positive and happy thoughts sweetie, send an email out every once in awhile otherwise I might go through with drawals.

Unknown said...

I will miss your amazing posts full of your gorgeous creations. But, most important is that you TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! I hope that hand is back to normal in no time and that they biopsy is benign. Praying for you.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I will miss your crafting too, but YOU, my friend are so much more important to me! Please rest and do what the the doctors say. I'm so glad you went to the docotor for you temple. I'll keep you in my prayers as you have the biopsy. I'm sure it will be good news. Tell Jerry this is just another opportunity for him to pamper you! Hugs across the miles!
Kim xXx

Penny said...

Oh no!!! I am also experiencing problems with my wrists but when I googled carpal tunnel the symptoms don't match, I'm afraid I have arthritis... my doctor appointment is Monday...

Hopefully the lump is not cancerous. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!!!

Laurel said...

Oh dear! We will miss you too. You take it easy and know that we are all thinking of you.

Karen Jiles Designs said...

Brenda, I am thinking of you. You remain in my prayers always...

Laughsalot said...

Oh Brenda.. I am so sorry to hear about all this news.. The only thing that has ever kept me going is knowing that God never gives us more then what we can handle. Even though somedays it feels like too much. Maybe he is trying to tell you to take a break from crafting. You made all those beautiful card for Operation Write Home, and now he is telling you to rest.. So take it easy and we will keep you in our thougths and prayers.. I do have to say, if you lived closer I would come over and let you craft through me!! :)

Michelle H. said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news. I'm glad that you are taking care of yourself though. We'll continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers at our house!

Welcome to Sara Batkin's Legacies Of Love said...

Sending hugs and love your way for a speedy recovery :O)

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