Friday, February 19, 2010

Put on Your....

This is one of my very favorite sayings. You get the idea. Life is what it is, and so you might as well pull up those big bloomers and get on with it. LOL!!

It has been terribly busy at work, and I felt myself needing to say that a couple of times today. Just the thought of pulling up your big girl panties can make even the crazed person smile! We are having a HUGE make and take event at Archiver's this weekend. We all have our "spots to be," and I am teaching the paid make and take. It is a gorgeous mini album, and there are so many fun techniques involved. I was privileged to teach 5 straight classes today - about 30 people or so. I go in again tomorrow for the same thing. It can get a little hectic (especially with paints involved!), but with the help of that saying ringing in my head and my trusty diet mountain dew, I weathered the day just fine!!

Truly, I feel so blessed to teach and help others learn new techniques. That is the bomb! Off to put my feet up so my tootsies are ready for the morning. Can't wait to get back to my own crafting next week!

1 comment:

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I love this old saying! We use it very often in my family! I know your mini albums were fab! I'd love to see one! deserve it!
Kim xXx

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