Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday, Shane!

I do not know where the time went in raising this precious boy.  But I can't really call him a boy anymore, can I?

I can't even begin to tell you how fast 21 years went. It seems like yesterday that I was on bedrest waiting to deliver Shane.  This child of mine came out talking!  He was raring to face this world the instant he was born, and that is exactly what he has done!

Shane is determined (some would call this stubborn) and has been all his life.  He forges ahead, learns his lessons, and gets on with things.  I am so very, very proud of the tremendous man that he's become.  He has a tremendous work ethic, shows great care to his friends, and always says "love you" when I see or talk to him.  This is a scary world for young people, but he met it head on and remains true to himself.  I really love that quality in Shane.  He is not afraid to be exactly who he is, and what a fine young man that makes him!!

We are taking him out to dinner this evening, and I couldn't be happier!  I thought he'd want to spend his 21st birthday with friends, but I am thrilled that he chose us!! 

Happy Birthday, Shane!!  Your mom loves you like crazy!!


Dawnll said...

Oh how wonderful your young man Shane is 21. Yes those years go fast...can't believe my Shane is 25!
I believe mom and dad can pat themselves on the back for the wonderful job they have done raising this fine young man. It is a blessing isn't it?

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome young man! He and my Megan share the same birth year. She will be 21 on May 23. I agree, time flies. I remember sitting with her mother in the hospital for a week before she arrived. She was 2 months early and her momma was in the hospital for 6 weeks before her bith.

Shane is so blessed to have you and Jerry for parents. I know you are beaming with pride as you see the incredible young man he has become! Share a birthday wish with him for me!
Kim xXX

Scrappin With Tammy said...

A happy, happy birthday to Shane. I hope you all enjoyed the night out in honor of his day!

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