Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Gift of Seeds

Today I came home from some "icky", store return, haircut (although she did a fine job!).  But what could be nicer than finding this in the mailbox from my wonderful friend and downline Lynn:

She used my favorite things - Buzz and Bumble, the color Creme Brulee, and loads of little detail.  She added that to her favorite - kraft paper - and WOWZA - look at the results!  Inside the white envelope are flower seeds (I LOVE that!), and the seed packet stamp is actually a note.  I have to tell you what the note says because it's so clever!  "Brenda, Seeds for the "planter of seeds"...idea seeds that is!  How cute is that?!!  I hope you'll take a moment to go over to Lynn's blog and share some love with her.  You will be inspired!

As I look around my office, there are pieces of my team members everywhere - cards galore, handmade gifts, a wonderful devotional book that I read every day, a warm shawl to cuddle in while I am mulling over an idea, an angel watching over me, and a lovely calendar.  All of these things remind me every single day that I am truly the blessed one to know and guide these women in their businesses.  

Close To My Heart is so much more than a business.  Not only is it a fabulous way to get a discount on Close To My Heart product, but it is a family of sister consultants that share their artwork, ideas, and their hearts.  Really, what could be better?

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Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing this on your blog Brenda. Glad you liked it!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

It is a stunning card! Love it and I would agree, Buzz and Bumble is my favorite, too!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

What a sweet gift!

Unknown said...

Love your new look on the blog. Thanks for sharing this sweet giftie, just in time for spring planting!

New Book, New Look!

Sometimes it just that time to make a change.  I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years!  Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...