Sunday, July 19, 2009

Back From Vacation - I Missed You!

Hello! We are back from our week long vacation at Quarterdeck Resort in Brainerd. Oh, my goodness! What a heavenly week - truly a blessing from God at this particular time! I thought I'd share some pictures of our adventures with you.

This first picture is my handsome husband looking over Mille Lacs Lake. It was a beautiful drive to Brainerd, and I am quite certain that he was thinking fishing as he pondered over the lake. he has fished Mille Lacs several times insearch of the elusive walleye.

This was our view right from our cabin picture window. How wonderful to wake up in the morning, watch the sun rise, and look over the lake! Jerry told me we have one more move in our married life, and it will be to a house by a lake. I am all for it! What a peaceful and serene way to live!

Yes, this is a big pot of baked beans! They are not any beans, though. They were roasted in the ground overnight and served free to thousands of people at Beanhole Days. I'll confess that we went on vacation during this time just for Beanhole Days. Jerry heard about this on talk radio, and he had to experience it. There are 50 gallons in this one pot, and they raised 5 pots. Can you imagine all those beans? It was really a fun experience being in a small town with all those thousands of people for the raising of the beans!

We were on a boat ride (12-mile of exploring Gull Lake), and I saw a huge patch of water lilies. They were so beautiful that I couldn't help but picked one. Jerry had a tough time navigating the boat into the patch, but I'll never forget what he said when I told him that if it was too hard, we could let it go. "What my honey wants, my honey gets," he said. What a sweetie - and I picked a water lily that had the most fragrant smell in the world!

I am giong on crop day to Archiver's today, so you'll start seeing some work in the next few days. I sent my pictures to Shutterfly, so you won't see vacation pics for awhile, but nevertheless you'll see artwork! I've missed chatting with you, and I hope your days have been good!


Unknown said...

It sounds like a perfect week at a perfect time. I'm so glad you were able to get away.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I have missed you! It sounds and looks like you and the dh had a relaxing time. It is beautiful there. I just love the lake and the peacefullness it brings. I'm glad you're back!
Kim xXx

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