Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Honey!

Happy Birthday to my sweet, dear, wonderful husband! He is turning 42 years old today! He's trying to catch up to me, but somehow that 5-1/2 year gap is just not closing - LOL!
Jerry is at peace the most when he is by (or on) the water. I take loads of pictures of him like this. It's looks like he's really contemplating, doesn't it?
I wish for Jerry today (and every day) all things good and that the sun shines bright on him. He truly deserves those blessings!


Scrappin With Tammy said...

Happy Birthday today to Jerry! I hope you both enjoy a wonderful day!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet hubby! I hope he's had a terrific day!
Kim xXx

Michelle H. said...

Happy Birthday to Jerry! I hope he had a good birthday!

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