Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I will be busy with New Year's celebrations the next couple of days, so I wanted to be sure to send my wishes your way! Have you made a resolution for the new year? I think it's such a wonderful time to sit back and think about the year that has passed and tweak life to make it just a little bit grander. No matter what the circumstances, life really is just so grand. We learn from so many things along our days, don't we? That's where the tweaking comes in.

I am blessed beyond measure, and so thankful to the One who graciously pours wonderful riches into my life everyday. I don't mean money. I mean the richness of family, friends, and the experiences we live. You know, with this thought I am reminded of the box we used to keep. We would read our prayers and wishes from the previous year, put new ones in, and then put it away for the year. It's kind of a tacky looking box covered in stickers and crude embellishments, but it was ours - to pull out every New Year's eve. When Shane turned 16, for some reason we stopped this tradition. Maybe it's time to pull it out again...

I don't know that I have any specific resolutions. I guess I see New Year's as a time to clean the slate and start fresh. That means it is a time to let go of hurts from the previous year, forgive those that need your forgiveness, and to choose to love more. We have this marvelous chance to let things go and to love freely as Christ would have us do. What awesome mercy!

Whatever you do to celebrate and start the year anew, may your life be filled with that overwhelming mercy and grace of God's infinite love.

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

What a wonderful post. Love ya, girlfriend!

Michelle H. said...

Great post, Brenda. HAppy New Year to you and your family, too!

New Book, New Look!

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