Saturday, March 13, 2010


There is nothing particularly special that I've done with this layout. However, it speaks volumes about who my husband is. I love looking at the fish he's caught. And do you see the blue water and leaves on the trees? What lovely pages to work on!!
For this page, I used dp from Papers Best. It's a company only about 45 minutes from here, and they make outdoor papers. I simply matted the pictures and put a fishing transparency over the page. The two embellishments are on top of the transparency.


Laurel said...

Fantastic layout! At least you are interested in his fish, I am about as interested in hubby's fish as he is my cards! LOL

Unknown said...

BEAUTIFUL! Love the overlay!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Fabulous page for Jerry! I love how the overlay just brings it all together! I'll have to keep this one in mind for some of my little man's fishing pages.
Kim xXx

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