Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just Waiting

If you been living with a normal than longer winter, you might be just like me and waiting for the buds on the trees. It was such a gorgeous day today!! I worked a little today, but it was a great joy to be out in the warm spring weather. It was in the 50s today, so when I got home Jerry and I took Miss Chanel out for a walk. What a happy beagle! She found lots of new sniffs in the fresh spring air and came home ready for her puppy nap.

I can see now that it will be hard to craft once it gets nice out. We so love the outdoors, and I have lots of plans for our yard and gardens this year. We also have a number of 3-day getaways planned. Summer in Minnesota is always tooooooo short, so I guess we do as much as we can!

I am super excited to tell you a little about a blog hop that takes place on Saturday. You are going to be able to hop on 75+ blogs starting at Operation Write Home Stars and Stamps. There are going to be prizes galore and some tutorials and challenges. That's your teaser! Be sure to hop over here on Saturday to see what I'll have going on!!

Looking forward to sharing some artwork with you this week and checking out what's cooking in your craft rooms!


Jamie Harder said...

Spring is in the air!!! Yippppeeee!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I can't wait until the trees begin to bud and the warm sunshine spreads glory every day! I agree with you and Jamie, spring is in the air!
Thanks for the blog hop info!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

I love the anticipation of Spring. That photo is gorgeous!

New Book, New Look!

Sometimes it just that time to make a change.  I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years!  Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...