Wednesday, April 14, 2010

American Idol

So tell me, who out there is watching this season of American Idol?  We are such fans, but I've had such a hard time grabbing on this year - until the last couple of weeks.  And I think I've finally picked my favorite - Lee! 

Love the deep, raspiness in his voice - and he seems so humble.  So I've finally picked who I think should go to the end.  Of course, that means nothing - LOL! - just my two cents!!

And speaking of American Idol, I was so happy to see Adam Lambert back to mentor.  I loved his honesty - especially since this has been a little bit of a sleepy season.

Even more though, it was really great to see him sing again.  That's a great song (did you know that Pink wrote it?), and I've never heard him put that twist on it.  Whether you like his personality or not, you can't deny that he has a fabulous voice.  I heard that's he's going to be in the Twin Cities, so I'm thinking that I just might get tickets.  That would be a fun night out with Shane!!


Unknown said...

I agree. Adam's song last night was dynamite. I loved how he slowed it down at the beginning so he could really lengthen out those notes and let us savor his gorgeous voice. I love Lee too but I still haven't picked my absolute fave. Darn!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh goodie, goodie, goodie, we have the same favorite picked! I LOVE Lee!!!!! He's been my pick since the top 24. I love his story and now that he is relaxing and just having fun, his performances are knock out!
It was good to see Adam sing. I didn't get to do last season, but I love him and think you and Shane should enjoy a night out to see him in concert!
Kim xXx

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