Saturday, May 15, 2010

Adorable Boy

One more post today, and then I'm off to bed.  It's been a productive day for me, and I hope you enjoyed your day, too!  I found a sketch by Creative Imaginations, and I wanted to give it a try. 

This is a picture of Jerry and Shane in 1994.  Oh what a cute little boy playing in the sand with his daddy!  I love this picture, and I wanted it to be the only picture on the page.  I've used Creative Imaginations Let's Roll, Making Memories epoxy stars and dots, and Deja Views transparency cut-outs.  I really like this mixture of colors the Creative Imaginations paper forced me to use.  It's great to be challenged!!


Laurel said...

What a fabulous take on the sketch! Love that paper!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Gorgeous sketch and I just had to enlarge the photo to see all the wonderful detail and the sweet photo. I so adore the stars and the yummy papers. Moments like these are why we scrap! I hope you have a super day today!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

Adorable is right. I just love the photo and the layout. The color combo is one of my faves.

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