Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Little View of My Backyard

It is sucha  pleasant day today!  It was cloudy and/or rainy and cold all week.  I got home from work today and am a fishing widow.  It's opening fishing day here in MN, so my hubby and his twin brother are out fishing.  Last I heard the weather was gorgeous, but the fishing was not so hot.  It's just too nice out, I think.  But as long as they are having fun (and telling lots of jokes and stories) I am sure they are having a good time!

I went out to see what's in bloom right now.  First of all, I have to tell you that we just do not have a perfectly groomed lawn.  I love to show people my flower beds, but expect to see some weeds and grass mixed in!  Our north and east side are surrounded by woods, and we firmly believe in keeping things natural.  There are so many critters that play in the woods that I can't imagine disturbing the friendly little forest they have to live in!  I've got hostas and lilies along the woods and on the east side I have a shade garden.  Below the deck is filled with flowers and in the midst there is a tiny little natural pond.  That is for the frogs that live in the backyard.  Better in the pond then jumping anywhere near me!!

I am in the house now for the afternoon, so I am going to get some reading and scrapbooking done.  I have actually been able to sneak in quite a few pages this week, but I didn't have anything new or spectacular to show you, so they went right in the album.  I am trying to finish a couple of different albums, so I'm glad I'll have some time to do to work a little more.  My mother-in-law is coming over tomorrow so that we can spend the day working together.  I am really excited about that!!

Oh, just one more thing.  I started teaching a new class yesterday with Unity stamps.  Gosh, if you are anywhere near an Archiver's, hop over and try to fit that class in.  We are working with Cosmo Cricket Material Girl paper and a few different stamp sets.  Just lovely!!  Ok, now I am heading off to scrapbook!!


Dawnll said...

Oh I love a sneak peek into your garden. Sounds like a little piece of paradise. I miss living on a piece of land since now I am a city dweller.I still keep a garden but the critters I get are the neighbors cats and a skunk once in awhile.LOL
Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Beautiful blooms!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Brenda, I love these little peeks into your beautiful yard. I am surrounded by the woods too, but with my kitties and Pepper, not much comes to play here.
I stepped out on the front porch this morning about 6:30 and was greeted by the morning calls of an owl. I so treasure my woods and it is so obvious that you do too! Big hugs today!
Kim xXx

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