Monday, May 17, 2010

Thoughts on Kindness

I have some artwork in the post below, so please scroll down if you'd like to see it. 

I have been studying the book of Ephesians in the Bible.  This book is filled with so many wonderful words of encouragement.  The verse I am focusing on today is from the 4th chapter. verse 32:

"Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

There is a lot in that one scripture, isn't there?  One thing that came to mind as I was reading this over and over is the fact that we, even as adults, have to deal with cliques.  Whether it been in the neighborhood, the workplace, at church, even within your family sometimes.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that "clique-e-ness" is one of my least favorite things in life.  There is room for everyone at all times - don't you think?  Division of any kind or leaving people out is not tenderhearted, but rather very sad to me. 

It is so much lovelier in life to be happy and treat each other kindly!

The classes I teach at work are very relaxed and easy-going.  People come to get away for a time and to learn some new techniques.  There should be nothing but loads of happy during those times!  However, inone of my recent classes there was a person talking harshly and angrily towards gay and lesbian people.  I don't know what started this conversation between her and another class member, but I just listened without saying a word.  What I need to tell you here (if you do not know) is that our son is gay.  If you read my blog regularly, you must know how very sad I was after this class. I love this child God has given me.  This is not the first time I have been in a situation where I could not say anything about this.  So coming across this verse the other day in my reading helped me tremendously.  No matter what, I have to be kind, tender-hearted and forgiving.  Thanks be to God for His written word!

Have you ever wondered what happens when are kind to another person.  Do you suppose it makes that person feel so good that they in turn are kind to another?  And then so on and so on.  What a wonderful world this would be if each one of lived thinking that way!

I am by no means a perfectly kind person all of the time, but I am so glad that God works on me regularly.  To find the gems in his Word, and then to apply them in our lives - what an avenue for growth!  I pray many rich blessings upon you, and pray that you are greeted with kindness along your day!


Dawnll said...

Sweetie you are a much kinder person then I am. I find my quick temper would have gotten the best of me. I am always working hard to not allow anyone to speak to me about negative views such as race, gender,etc...
I always taught my children by example and not staying in the company of someone doing this unless they can speak up to the person.
How sad that others think they need to look down at others to make themselves look so better? maybe feel superior?
I am proud of you for looking for a verse to settle this in your heart and mind.
Don't let one small person ruin it for so many other people that don't feel this way.
Sending you a big hug

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Brenda, I think that I'm going to have to calm down just a bit before responding.....I too take great offense to people speaking so harshly and about such issues. When I get my blood pressure under control, I'm emailing you! Until then, big hugs to you for being a child of God and finding scripture for peace.
kim xXX

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