Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Take a Walk With Me in Our Yard

The rain has finally stopped after a week.  It was good heavy rain, so everything has grown so nicely outside!  I thought I'd bring you on a little trip through my yard.  We'll start in the front yard:

This is the Wisteria vine that the greenhosue told me would never grow in MN climate.  That was 4 years ago.  I think the Wisteria proved the greenhouse wrong!

What the Wisteria does is invade everything.  Here it is climbing the house:

The hops vine also loves the wet, humid weather.  It has taken over the little flower garden in our backyard!

Everything under the deck is growing beautifully.

This is the huge tree on the edge of our backyard that I will not let Jerry trim.  It's a pain for him to mow under, but it the very tree that truly clinched the deal when we moved into this house 9 years ago.

We have about an acre of woods, so I'll bring you through the area that has a path:

4 years ago, Shane had many of his graduation pictures taken in our woods.  I would love to get him back to take some more!!

Hope you enjoyed your little walk through our yard!


Dawnll said...

Oh how peaceful everything looks, I love the enchanted look.
I will have to get some pictures of my city dwelling gardens. We just had the rain stop also. I should probably weed first!!!

Debbie said...

Beautiful yard Brenda! Yours looks totally weed free! Mine is not!

Linda said...

The last tree is where I got the really good pictures of the kids four years ago.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I loved your little tour, if only it could have been in person! I imagine those photos of Shane were just stunning...your woods are as beautiful as your yard!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

Very Beautiful! I'm from MN too! I grew up in Coon Rapids but live near Grand Rapids now....small world!

grandmalee said...

What a gorgeous garden! I really miss being able to garden, but I'm happy I still have the strength to make cards for others. I used to have hops growing under my deck to cover all of the kids' toys. It grows fast & looks great! It looks like you'll be thinning some day lillies this fall! They definately like what you're giving them!

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