Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chicago Regionals

I am sorry I haven't posted for a few days!  I am sitting in my hotel room in Chicago after spending two days in business and creative training at Close To My Heart's Regional Celebration.  What a wonderful time we've had!!  So much artwork and so many ideas!!  I thought I'd share some highlights with you:

Two of my downline - Marg and Lynn

Me in my "geek" glasses getting ready to talk about my favorite stamp set - Girls Rock!

Our Executive Team - Kristine, Monica, and Brian
(I am so grateful for them and the time they put into Corporate Events!  Along with their support team - Sheena, Tiffany, Jill, and Brian - they do a fabulous job of answering all of our questions!

I LOVED hanging out with two of my Rose Blossoms!!

There's nothing quite like a Corporate Event!  Only two months will we're heading off to Disney World for our annual Convention!  I can't wait!!

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Joyce said...

Brenda, It was so good to see you again. Loved your presentation and your artwork, but most of all I enjoyed spending some time talking with you!

See you soon at convention!

stamping hugs,

Unknown said...

Aww, sounds like FUN!

Pam said...

It was a genuine pleasure to meet you in person at regionals! Your artwork was fantastic and really rocks! Your contributions to the Operation Smile auction were great! Your presentation really rocked and was great! Thanks for all you do with this wonderful blog. Pam Korte (I hope you remember me among everyone on Friday!)

Kim Hill said...

Brenda, it sounds like you ladies had SO MUCH fun! Can't wait for convention in June (which still seems SO far away) to finally meet you and Marg--I wish I could get Lynn there, too. (By the way, I think you look cute in your "geek" glasses. Very stylish!) :-)

New Book, New Look!

Sometimes it just that time to make a change.  I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years!  Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...