Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Days in the Kitchen
- We (meaning just me) don't like tofu. We (meaning both of us) were picking up a few groceries and the tofu curiosity got the best of me. I picked up a package, and I've been thinking on it for a week or so. So I tried making some at lunch today as a test run. Oh, I really don't like it. Now I have to tell you that I've always kept my mouth closed when it comes to food. I wanted Shane to grow up with "fair and balanced" taste buds. You know, if a Mom says "yuck" chances are the kids will think it before he/she even tastes it. Thus Shane grew up with lots of different great ideas about food, and I didn't have to make a lot of mac & cheese and hot dogs or a separate meal every day! But I deter from the....tofu...gelatin-like-wiggly-really-yucky tofu. I guess you know by now that I've saved Jerry from having to try this!! ( I truly apologize to anyone that likes this bean-curdy wet food. No - I admire you!)
- I was making Karen P's wonderful Cherry Bars (again). I didn't have the extra margarine/butter for the recipe, so at that moment I was very thankful for lessons I learned as a little girl. "Substitute because the store is far away (and probably closed), so you'd better learn what can work." Both my Grandma Matvey and my Mom lived with this theory. And we did live out in the country. There was a small store with short hours, but otherwise groceries were 30-45 minutes away. So to make a long story short, I needed to find a substitute . I pulled out my yummy homemade applesauce, and added that instead of the butter/margarine. Perfect! Jerry feels very spoiled. Thanks for the recipe, Karen! It's become one of our favorites!
- One sauce will work for many recipes. Do you know creamed tuna and peas on toast? Well, that white sauce works for country fried steak, bicuits and gravy, and I used it this evening to make a cauliflower casserole. I topped the casserole with a little bit of asiago cheese and fried onion. Again, Jerry feels very spoiled.
Cooking and baking is just something that is in my blood - much like it's in my mother's and four sisters. I called my mother to say hello this morning, and she told me the house smelled good because there was a pot roast in the oven. I learned to make a good pot roast from her. My oldest sister Linda is really good at making things healthy. I've learned how to alter recipes from her - not because I've asked much, but because I've listened. Patti, one of my younger sisters is adventerous in the kitchen, and I love watching all the things she tries. She loves Rachel Ray - isn't that fun that Rachel Ray has taught all of us so much? The first time I tried Snickers Salad is because my youngest sister Julie made it. Ooh, my family is hooked on that salad! And you should have seen the Italian spread my sister Shelley made at Christmas last year. It was a ton of work I am sure, and boy was it good!!
I know that a part of the way to my hubsy's heart is through his tummy. After all, the very first thing I ever made for him was caramel brownies. And he hasn't left me since! ;)
Monday, September 28, 2009

In the first layout, I've actually used two transparencies in a different way. I wanted to highlight my cute little grand-nephew while he was sitting with Santa. So I put a 4x6 transparency over his wonder-filled little face. I cut the pretty edges off of another one and used it for mats under the whole picture.
In the next layout, I've used pictures of my from my little years. I mounted the photos on cardstock and the 12x12 transparency went over the cardstock. The flowers and ribbon are on top of the transparency.
Now dig out those transparenices and see what you can come up with!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
You Color My World

I just had to let you know just that. You color my world!
I made this card sometime back, and it's one that I pull out of the box and look at often. That beautiful Emporium paper (CTMH) along with Priceless Love stamp set and embellishments, makes this card a keeper. I am having trouble using this one, so I think I'd better make a few more!!!
I hope you are having a good weekend. I had a scrapbooking garage sale this morning, and there was a wonderful turn out. It was nice to see so many friends and chat the morning away! And even more, it was great to meet so many new scrapbooking friends!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Stop and Smell the Roses...

Shane and his friend Ashley were here last night for dinner. I so love spending time with these two! They always have lots of stories to make us laugh. What a great dinner!
I am getting ready right now for a scrapbooking and stamping garage sale at my house on Saturday. Let's face it. My craft room could use some simplifying, and so I thought I'd share the good deals with others. I've been pulling new things out that I didn't even remember I had!
My box for Operation Write Home is going out with Thanksgiving and Christmas cards. What a wonderful place to send cards!!
After my garage sale, I'm taking a little time to stop and smell the roses. To tell you the truth, dear friends, I haven't been feeling all that well. It's getting a little harder to accomplish things without being exhausted afterwards. I would assume it's all the medicine I am on. I'm having a lot of other side effects as well, so I'm trying to get through them. This is the last medicine for me - having tried everything else - so I guess I need to do what I must to get through this. The troubling part for me is that I've been working with it for over 2 months now, and the side effects and seizures should have been gone. This is just one more more hill to climb, one more time in my life that I need to rely on my faith and wait to see all the marvelous things God can do.
So I'll be back, but I just need a little time to rest and try to get all this in balance. Keep watching my blog to see when I put that new out that new artwork!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Treasures from Close To My Heart
- Sweet Home Level 2 paper (gorgeous on both sides!)
- Treasure stamp set
- Dazzle Versamark
- White Embossing Powder
- Indian Corn Blue and Olive ink
- Hearfelt Whimsy Die-Cuts
- Craft Buttons and Waxy Flax
- Sparkles
- Connections Club Adhesive Pearls
- Random ribbon from here and there
Monday, September 21, 2009
Fact or Urban Legend?
How Do Use That Felt?

Oh, the Joy of the Lake!
Anyway, I do hope you take the time to get away with the one you love. Explore a new place (or an old place) and really enjoy the view. Take time to breathe, set your problems behind, and bask in what God has so richly blessed us with. You will be thankful you did!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Falling for Fall
As I type, Miss Sassy is waling all over my desk and looking for all the attention she can get. She just had her warm milk, so she's ready for a nap. Yes, I do spoil her and give her warm milk! When I was growing up on my Grandma & Grandpa's farm, all the kitties got fresh warm milk from the cows and they loved it!
Do you have Sedum plant in your garden? If you don't, look for one at the n
Well, I've got a beef roast with fresh potatoes and carrots in the oven, so I'm quite certain Jerry will be a very happy man when he gets home today!
Now I'm off to enjoy the weather for the day!
Let today be your best day!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Apple Time!
Spiced Applesauce
8 Golden Delicious apples, cored, peeled and cubed
I'll tell you what I've done to the recipe differently. (I don't know if I've followed a recipe to the "t"!) I used Honey Crisp apples because they are our favorite. They are like "apple gold" but this is the only time we can get fresh ones at such a reasonable price. I also don't peel my apples. There are precious antioxidants in that peel and they are rich in phytonutrients. My pumpkin pie spice is always a mounding teaspoon. Those are such rich flavors - cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice. From now through the winter, I add this spice to many things. (It's going on my squash for dinner rather than heavy maple syrup...)
Enjoy the recipe and let me know if you try it! I'd love to hear what you think!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Great Book...

Oh what a wonderful new tool from Stormie Omartian! First I'll tell you a little background. I have been reading Stormie's books for years:
**The Power of a Praying Parent
**The Power of a Praying Wife
**The Power of a Praying Husband (this was a tool for Jerry)
**Lord I Want to Be Whole
**Praying God's Will for Your Life
**Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On
**The Power of a Praying Woman
Can you tell I've had a long relationship with Stormie and her wonderful work? All of these books have companion workbooks, prayer cards or books, and they leave you enough space for notes. I love her style of writing.
When I received her newest "Prayers for Your Adult Children," I felt like God has dropped another blessing in my lap and for my heart. If you've been reading, you know that Shane moved out on August 1st. Gracious, it was one of the hardest things I've gone through - letting him go and also adjusting to an empty nest. As the last couple of months have gone, I have adjusted well as I watch Shane taking life into his own hands.
However, I could never have come to that conclusion without so much prayer and God's loving arms. There are many more things I will have to pray for with Shane, but now I have been reminded of many things from Stormie's book (and these are her thoughts that I have taken from her book):
- We need to know that parenting never ends. It is 24/7 for the rest of our lives.
- We need to know we can't fix our children. Boy is that a tough one.
- We need to know that God can change everything. Boy, is His grace sufficient!
- We need to know that we have to stop blaming ourselves. God surely deserves more credit - go back and read #3.
- We need to know we have to forgive. We've got to forgive hurtful words, people that come into our children's path that are very good for them, and most importantly - ourselves.
- We need to know there is only perfect parent. And we have a direct line to Him through prayer.
- We need to be able to say - wholeheartedly - "for this child I prayed."
If you need a good guide fro prayer or just want to refresh your prayer life, I urge you to pick up one or more of these books. I will never forget how "Enough Light for the Step I'm On" helped me through some difficult times in my life. Truly we only need the faith of a mustard seed, jsut enough light for the place we are right now.
Okay, I will stop rambling! Can you tell how passionate I am about Stormie's work? May you be blessed today.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Practical Scrappers - Stickers!
**Third post this morning! Scroll down for more artwork!!**
I challenge you to go to Practical Scrappers this week! We designers put together some artwork for you using letter stickers - only not as letters! I won't pull your leg - this was a tough one! However, in looking at my at my letters, I saw grass and stems for flowers. I like this layout in the end.
Basic Grey's Wisteria paper, BG Wisteria stickers, BG Porcelain stickers, CTMH flowers, random ribbons and sparkle.
Girly Stardust
**Second post for the day!**
As I was working with Stardust, I wanted to show that it could be used for girls and adults, too. Just because it is shown with robots and gears in the CTMH Idea Book doesn't mean that it HAS to be for a boy. Just as a sidenote, I love to do that. If paper is pink, I need to find a way to use it for Shane.
Anyway, I love this paper so I used some basic elements to make it girly. Bo Bunny inspired me with their sketch. They have such fun designs and ideas. Here is what I used for this card:
CTMH Stardust Level 2 and stickease, CTMH Moonstruck organdy, Petaloo flowers, CTMH buttons , brads,and waxy flax.
I've also taken CTMH White Daisy pigment ink and sponged the edges. This makes it soft and girly. Can't wait to send it!

Birthday Superstar
I needed a birthday card, and Stardust paper from CTMH really brings the right elements. If you enlarge the picture, you will be able to see that I've used a glitter pen in several places.
Stardust paper, Stardust Stickease, Moonstruck and Outdoor Denim organdy, Topiary pin, random bling.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
So you know what was on the menu:
**Fish with the most incredible beer batter
**Hush Puppies
**Fresh Potatoes from the market
**Fried pickles
You probably thought this was great until you got the fried pickles! I had them the first time at our State Fair here in MN. Oh, they are so good! So Jerry had a little batter left and I had some Clausen pickles (the best!). Try it some time - oyu might like it!
For this layout I used the following:
Cosmo Cricket Early Bird paper and Journaling Tags (it's all about the kitchen!), CTMH Colonial White cardstock, buttons, clip, rub-ons, and edge anchors, CTMH white hemp and cocoa grosgrain.
I especially like using the rub-ons over ribbon, which is what I've done here. The edge anchors and buttons give the page a finished look to me.
Although this is a PageMaps layout, I was inspired to try this page from Cafe Mojo! Check it out, it's an awesome blog!!

Flowers and My Hubby
This sketch is from PageMaps Blog. I adore their originality and use their sketches quite frequently. I've used the sketch almost exactly the way it was designed. That's a new one for me!!
All but one of the elements on this page is CTMH, and that is the pearls. So let me tell you what I've used from CTMH other than those:
Perfect Day Level 2 paper, Fancy Cut Botanical Die-Cuts, Clear Buttons, Friendship Small Alphabet, Dimensional Elements Borders, Fancy Cut Borders, Juniper Waxy Flax, Sorbet Ribbon, Colonial White pin, Tulip Bigger Brad, and Heartfelt Whimsy Die-Cuts.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Some Simple Inspiration

Well, this is the card I came up with:
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering September 11th
Ok, Can I Make Up My Mind?
3 in 1
#2) I spent some time making Christmas cards for Cards for Heroes yesterday. This is such a wonderful cause. I first found it when I wa
#3) My last part of this post is a design by Inspirational Sketches. This was a fun sketch to work on.
I used Roam paper from K & Company. Along with that I added some CTMH rub-ons ( I love the Sugar Pie sentiment!), a Prima natural flower, Crystal Sticker pearls, and some random ribbon. Seems like a good fall birthday card for someone special!
How fun to have a 3-in-1 day! I love it!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Make it Count
- CTMH Silhouette paper
- CTMH Joy Forever and Make it Count stamp sets
- Red Sparkles
- Black/Bamboo ribbon from Paper Source
- Versamark Dazzle
The vine was handcut from Silhouette paper and distressed with Desert Sand ink. you know I took Versamark Dazzle ink and sponged it on the black cardstock in order to to give it some shimmer. Such an easy thing to do!
If you'd like to see more artwork, scroll on down. This is my thrid post for the day, so I don't want you to miss anything!
A Song to Share
You know there are many things going on in today's world. It seems pretty unsteady out there sometimes, doesn't it? I could go on and list things, but each one of us knows what has made our lives "different" in the last year or so. Prayer is vital, so I pray for each one of you every day! I may not even who you are, but God does. So when I send up prayers for my blog readers, rest assured He hears...
There is a song that gives me much inspiration. I guess sometimes I feel so small in this big old world (do you relate?). This song by The Martins reminds me that it only takes my faith to make it through...
Now I want to close with a video by Casting Crowns. I think you'll like it...
Jerry's Fall Party Invite
Hey, look at this fun invitation! Cuttlebug challenged bloggers to make an invitation based on a certain theme. Well, certainly I could have made a regular invitation! But Jerry is having a beer making party this fall. We have hops upon hops on our backyard vine, and he wants to put them to good use this year. He loves to taste unique beers, and he has really enjoyed making beer in the past. So he figured he'd make a party of it this year, and I'll cook up some chili in the lodge pot! I wanted to make a unique invitation that would make the guys at work look twice. So I took an empty beer bottle and altered it. (Be sure to click on it if you want to see it larger!) Here's what I used:
- CTMH Rustic Trails paper (It's so sad that this is discontinued. It's
- SO manly, and I loved the colors!)
- Cuttlebug Embossing Folders - Spots & Dots, Swiss Dots
- Cuttlebug 2x2 Scalloped Square Cutting Dies
- CTMH Olive and Bamboo Ink
- Pewter Spiral Clip
- Karen Foster Pewter Charm
- Olive Grosgrain
- Empty Beer Bottle and Hops
What a fun challenge! Be sure to check out Cuttlebug Challenge Blog Spot. It's their Birthday Palooza, and they have such fun things going on!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Year 19
- CTMH Silhouette paper (that big flower is hand cut from a sheet of paper)
- Thickers letters
- random lace
- CTMH black ink for distressing
- Liquid Glass
- Pearls - Creative Imaginations and Pearl Stickers
Below you'll see my Thickers up close. LOVE these letters simply because they are glossy. They appear to have Liquid Glass on them, and they are slightly raised in this font. Pearls were the finishing touch on this simple layout that I took from the CTMH how-to book, Reflections.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Scrapping and Fishing...All in One Day!
I have had request for the recipes I've used, so I'll put those in another post!
Now I have to bring you to the fishing portion of the day. Jerry spent the day fishing on Lake Superior on a charter. Oh, did he bring back some amazing pictures!! He is getting to be quite the photographer!!
I love the first picture because he purposefully caught the reflection of the cargo ship in the beautiful Lake Superior water.
Friday, September 4, 2009
SO Excited for Saturday's Scrapping Day!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Six Cards...4 Pieces of Paper

This card sketch is from CPS. Isn't it a great sketch? It's versatile and easy to work with. I've used the Gracious Greeting stamp set and Big Pink flower from CTMH. The other flowers and leaves are from Prima. Liquid Glass went on the petals of the Big Pink.

The next sketch from Card patterns is also a lot of fun. As you can see, I rotated the sketch. From CTMH, I used a retired stamp set and pink organdy. That gorgeous flower is from Prima. Again I put Liquid Glass on the dotted paper, and you will find some on the flower. As with the previous three cards, the base is made from a part of the 4 sheets!
The last card is a sketch from Clean and Simple. This is the card that made me think "simple" for all my cards.

Challenge yourself to do something like this. I've made six cards today for a total cost of about $1.75 each. I have to tell you that most of my cards cost a lot more than that! I am a heavy embellishment person, but I know that Liquid Glass is cost effective. It was a good trade on these cards. Let me know if you challenge yourself in this way. I'd love to see the finished product on your blog!
New Book, New Look!
Sometimes it just that time to make a change. I've had this blog you are visiting for 12 years! Wow, that's a lot of post and a lo...
Welcome to my stop on the OWH Spring Break Bloghop! If you've arrived here from Kathy's blog, I am so glad to have you join me! If ...
I am so excited to welcome you to my little corner of the world! If you are one of my regular readers, I am so glad that you stopped in tod...